Our Story

In the bustling world of digital content creation, there arose a need for a platform that could bridge the gap between YouTubers and brands, fostering meaningful collaborations and driving success for both parties. This need sparked the birth of Vickom.

Vickom was founded by a team of passionate individuals who recognized the potential of influencer marketing in shaping the digital landscape. With a shared vision of empowering creators and brands alike, they set out to create a platform that would revolutionize the way partnerships are formed in the digital space.

The journey of Vickom began with a deep understanding of the challenges faced by YouTubers and brands in navigating the complex world of influencer marketing. Through extensive research and industry insights, the team at Vickom identified key pain points and opportunities for improvement.

Armed with this knowledge, Vickom set out to develop a comprehensive platform that would streamline the partnership process and maximize success for all involved. The platform was designed to offer a range of services, from matchmaking and negotiation assistance to campaign management and performance tracking.


At the heart of Vickom’s approach lies a commitment to understanding the unique goals, values, and target audiences of both YouTubers and brands. By taking a personalized approach to partnership facilitation, Vickom ensures that every collaboration is tailored to meet the specific needs and objectives of each party.

As Vickom’s platform gained traction, so too did its reputation as a trusted partner in the world of influencer marketing. Creators and brands alike flocked to Vickom for its unmatched expertise, support, and track record of success.

Today, Vickom stands as a testament to the power of collaboration and innovation in driving success in the digital age. With a growing community of creators and brands, Vickom continues to empower individuals and businesses to achieve their goals and aspirations, one partnership at a time.

As Vickom looks to the future, its mission remains unchanged: to redefine the landscape of influencer marketing and pave the way for a new era of creativity, collaboration, and success.